Brain waste
Analysis of data previously unavailable to journalists reveals exclusion of skilled migrants from the jobs Europe most needs to fill to prevent economic decline
Analysis of data previously unavailable to journalists reveals exclusion of skilled migrants from the jobs Europe most needs to fill to prevent economic decline
The UK has turned away hundreds of Afghan commandos paid and trained by the British military. Some had complained about or say they witnessed war crimes by the same UK forces who were given veto power over their applications, with insiders warning of a conflict of interest.
Left Behind: Dozens of Afghans who served in special forces units funded and trained by the UK have been murdered or tortured by the Taliban
Left Behind: Afghans who worked for Dutch-funded NGOs were told they’d be evacuated to safety, but a shift in policy left them to face the wrath of the Taliban – with consequences that have proven deadly
Left Behind: The German government is rejecting its Afghan staff’s pleas for evacuation, despite its own development agency warning they face Taliban retaliation
Left Behind: A French-led intelligence cell in Afghanistan was kept secret for years – and now France has left its agents behind
Tracing fate of Afghans who assisted the UK after fall of Kabul
Tracing non-white students who fled invasion but faced Europe’s hostility
Damaging double standards undermines Europe’s response to Ukraine refugees
Policy scorecard ranks European countries efforts to respond to Covid 19
Year in the life of survivors of blaze that destroyed EU’s largest refugee camp
Modern slavery conditions for migrant workers on EU’s farms at height of pandemic
Revealing EU role in refoulement by proxy off Libya
Europe costly, inhumane and malfunctioning deportation machine
Why Europe has stopped counting its undocumented population